Republica del Sillon Rojo

Republica del Sillon Rojo

Rizoma Cultural

Once in a while, we get to display our work in other mediums outside the screen. This project was a collaboration with Rizoma cultural Mexico to create a series of animated sets and backgrounds for this political satire. It was a great challenge with close to 1 hr of content on multiple screens, but we certainly had lots of fun working on it.

Visual Development

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Republica del Sillon Rojo

Republica del Sillon Rojo
Republica del Sillon Rojo
Republica del Sillon Rojo
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Crafted by Animagic

Rizoma Cultural

Rizoma Gestion Cultural

Creative Direction

David Calderon

Art Direction

Alfredo Barajas

Animation Direction

Jordi Ayguasenosa


Ignacio Osorio, David Calderon

Character Animation

Jordi Ayguasenosa


Carolina Nissen Muñoz

Sound Design

Juan Carlos Aguirre

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